Monday 23 June 2014

Sleeping Beauty

You know how babies look cherubic when they are sleeping, animals look so cuddly and sweet resting? Actually my husband is also quite cute when he is asleep...

Don't ask me why he always expose his belly when he's unconscious. It's super funny, his sexy midriff.

And he is sooooo dramatic when he sleeps. He sleep talks nonsense like buying a car, or verbally abusing his clients, or just cuss-raps, i.e. F*ckity f*ckity f*ck f*ck. That was the most catchy rhyme I have heard since Hickory Dickory Dock.

in deep shleep. Man I should photoshop him in various sceneries, he is just the perfect muse for my creative setups.

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Thursday 19 June 2014


Today I was just thinking how I really miss those courtship days. Ok not just today but I think about it now and then. Ok maybe quite often? Especially when I see new couples. I used to read through my phone texts and whatsapps repeatedly just to relieve those moments when he said something cheeky and witty, and with the glib-tongue of his, made me feel like on cloud 9...

Well nowadays our texts are like, "why you never kiss me this morning" (me) and "what you cooking today" (him) and sometimes it varies a little bit... 
"coming home soon" (him)
"coming home" (him)
"coming home now" (him)
You get what I mean. 

Ah! I so wished I savoured those moments of uni life where the financial woes don't dampen our relationship, and we had that time to send flirting texts.

So my quest for finding the darnest things he said recently are all only verbal. 
Little nuggets of gold to be retained quickly, and unfortunately escapes by me ever often.

Recently I have been writing to-do and shopping lists, and he has always been putting down xxx on MY list. 

And while I cross it out while rolling my eyeballs, he has that good sense to say: "oh! so are we going to do it later?" 

... Ok end of blog post. More of darnest things next time.
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Tuesday 10 June 2014

Fickleminded me

I just realized how much time I spend using my iPhone. All because I always go to bed early with Suds but could never fall asleep as quickly as he does.

My eyesight has deteriorated from using the phone in the dark :( I have no choice, I could only get to spend quality time in the week by the time we spend together exploring the zzz-land. I muse and worry about our future as I watch him sleep.

I worry when he turns away from me when he sleeps. I fear that subconsciously he is not into me. Then when he toss in bed and flips and faces me, I get alarmed because his pre-morning breath stinks. I would not be able to sleep with his smelly carbon dioxide in my face. So I push him away.

Therefore, I guess our best sleeping position is The Spoon, with him being the bigger spoon of course. But that is also weird because his biceps squish against my shoulders like a constricter boa with its prey. 

Sigh. Life will never get to please the fickle minded brain of a woman. I admit it for myself.

Counting down till the moment I fall asleep.... Signing off as the isomniac wife... 
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Sunday 8 June 2014

Suds my chauffeur

Just realized that could mean that I am being driven to the mental hospital. 

Generally Suds is a good driver. That makes me happy. If anyone gives third fingers or curses at other drivers in the car, it would usually be me. Suds only yells when I am the one driving.

Today some car verve into our lane without looking, that was really dangerous and I was in that mood where you know how something triggers sailor moon and she needs to spin and change into her sailor costume and hold on to the moon on her forehead? Yeah I also have a ultra-bitch persona where it takes some time for me to go into a raging janetzilla where given the power, I would have cut his lane and force the driver to apologize. All Suds did was give a short honk and say "Did you see that driver?! Lucky I have a crash cam."

Pfft. Well ok. We both certainly have different levels of tolerance for helps when he makes me see things objectively when I go blind with anger at really tiny issues that annoys me a whole lot. On the other hand I tolerate little kids much better than he does. I think he kinda expects them to think at the same level as him, even though he acknowledges being a bratty kid himself when he was young. Case in point: he taught my niece that he was drinking 100plus for the electrolytes and he rolled in laughter when she went: oooo! electrosluts! and then he continued teaching her to say electrolytes properly, as if she needs that in her dictionary.

Whenever a kid is screaming or wailing nearby, his already-thick, long and bushy eyebrows would knit itself into one unibrow hairy caterpillar automatically. It drives me crazy when he expects to be able to control a situation in his usual diplomatic by-the-book ways. News flash! Kids are not born with reasoning capabilities. He gets angry at the kid, the kid does not like him and gets angry at him, AND THEN I get caught in between TWO angry kids.

So yeah. Story of my life. Maybe I might talk about the (bleak) future of (non-existent) children in our lives in the next post. 

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Saturday 7 June 2014

A normal Saturday in our lives

Maybe you wonder what we do on our weekends. Lol like we celebrities like that. 

We usually stock up on groceries so we can have food in the week. So going to Sunnybank (Asian surburb in Brisbane with lots of good food) near the city is one of those activities.

Suds driving and wearing those awful shades in a bigger-than-yours fake shades shirt

Electric boxes in Brisbane are so fun

Ooo what should we eat???! Biggest question of the day

We decided on the 2 mix meats with a plate of wanton noodles! So succulent :)

My bubble tea! In a bowl! 

Today they gave me white pearls

And then we went to Yuens supermarket and bought some frozen stuff to add into soups. I am slightly happy that spinach is in season! Also bought some soup mix because I got a slow cooker from the op shop at $5 so I can make herbal Chinese soups now. 

While looking at the instructions on this soup packet, ...
Suds the genius said: Oh! You need a claypot with a penis on it!

Guess what's the nearest place I can find a penis?! He promptly ran away and tried hiding his crotch and stuff.

Remind me again I married someone who is supposed to be quite smart.

P.S.- he read this before I can post it and said I should rename my blog as Diarrhea of A Doctoress.

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Friday 6 June 2014

Growing up

Today I was just thinking that my brain will run out of ideas of posts on this blog!! Yikes. I might have to write stuff like first kiss or first hand-holding, which can be quite hair-raising. Sigh, selling out my soul so quickly!

Here are some topics I was thinking of writing, but other suggestions are welcomed please!
1. Pet peeves
2. Migration
3. Why the blog is named so
4. Our fights
5. Proposal
6. Wedding planning
7. Life as a housewife

For this post today, I will just share how we were like growing up.
Have you ever wondered if you have met your significant other in your life before you were formally introduced to one another? I wondered that a lot all the time! Like the singer Teresa Teng's "Tian Mi Mi" song where the lyrics go:. At where, at where have I seen you before? Your smile is so familiar....  I imagined seeing him somewhere before, or even in our past lives if there was such a thing.

It would have been so cool if I knew that I met him somewhere in Singapore when his parents might have been visiting. Maybe he was the boy who peed into the many drains in Singapore, or the one screaming in the Popular bookstore, or the one who was next in line on the flying fox playground at East Coast Park... Or maybe not.


Always flaunting his musculinity, yawn.

Cool fact time! Did you know I am 6 days older than his elder brother? Sabyan and I are so different, but maybe we had that same elder sibling instinct. The way Suds and I communicate- you can so tell who is the elder and younger sibling of the family. Maybe horoscopes and zodiacs are true, and Suds got really used to his brother's Aquarius Rabbit characteristics growing up. My sister and I have a love-hate, but mostly hate relationship, so I do not like her, bleah.

Suds became SOOOOOOOooOOooooOOO fat some years into high school. *snorts in laughter*

He looks quite pudgy and cute, in some way though. Only when he smiles. Otherwise he looks bloated. I used to have a crush on a fat guy in my primary school days! That was when I was 11. Honestly! I think size did not matter to me at all. It was always the smile, twinkly eyes and unbridled laughter that appeals to me.

His parents gave him an ultimatum to cut down on his weight. If he loses a certain amount of weight, he gets to own a dog! HA! That really worked wonders. Thank God for his wise parents.

He was also fervent in the kitchen as a child, and loved to help his mum make meals. Auntie Emma would tell of how she asked for the recipe because the pancakes were so good, and Suds overheard it while standing on the stool near the stove and urged his mother "DON'T TELL! DON'T TELL!" So cute right....mummy's boy.

He was also quite mean to some of his aunties, one took his seat by mistake and he actually asked her to get up and find somewhere else to sit. It was a bad move. In the Singaporean culture, the more you insist on something, the more you would not get it! The senior would usually NOT let way because they believe they need to be respected and the young ones need to learn some manners.

Now, it's time for my story!

I was very diligent in my studies in the younger years. At 6 years old I was the class monitress. That is like the girl captain of the class, not like some monitor lizard.

I was quite proud of that achievement and title, but I do not know what I do in class anyway. Just like to feel like the Boss and Teacher's Pet I guess.

I was part of the dance team in our graduation concert
We danced to a song from the Grasshopper Band.
Always one step behind everyone in dance, since young -_-

My mother was from Malaysia, we we went back to her kampong a lot.
Having pet chickens and ducks was so interesting!

I think my mother used to like making me pose next to monkeys.
She gets so happy whenever one moved towards me while the picture is snapped and I shrieked in terror.

This was probably at 15, and was my Friendster's profile picture for some time.
I think I really enjoyed the attention from being a joke.
(Note the difference of being a joke and a joker).

I was also reed-thin from a young age. I never really was at an acceptable weight before, even had to be sent to the hospital for checks, go to polyclinics with weird menstrual flow. I used to "play guitar" with my rib cage, get teased for being flat-chested... It is terrible! My parents were skinny when they were young too! They were quite poor in fact.

As a result from being skinny and with the short hair I fashion, I had a nickname from my uncle as Olive Oyl. I really resented that nickname because I did not really like my uncle. But today I embrace it! Only because Suds used to love Popeyes a lot when he was younger! I did not believe him until I went back to Melbourne with him to clear out his childhood stuff and saw the VCD thing he had of his favourite Popeye's episode. It is funny how Suds has the same kind of portruding jaw as Popeye, and the same built and biceps, while I am skinny and slouch a bit, and have jointy loose limbs like Olive Oyl. ~*Match made in cartoon heaven*~

We would probably have been great running partners then, we found ourselves running a lot around 12 years of age. ;)

Ok please comment when you read the posts, some feedback on what you want to read or what I can improve on will be good for this blog! Toodles!

Popeye: [to Olive Oyl] You know you're awful pretty! 
Olive Oyl: [to Popeye] You're pretty awful yourself!
Popeye: Oh, thank you!

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Thursday 5 June 2014

Wait a Second

Sometimes I wonder what are the "magical" factors behind 2 people falling in love- it would be awesome if there is some formula that people can adopt to achieve the love story they want in their lives.

I think things really started going in the Spring air in Perth. I notice lots of birds mating in the air in the first days of Perth's spring... Even though I am not a bird, but Mother Nature might have something to do with it.

#1: Mother Nature

My impression of Suds got into a significant improvement perhaps in August, also at Yuwin's house. It was not a cell group, but it was some weekday dinner potluck. I made some lamb chops but they were terribly stiff and difficult to chew. Everyone's food did not taste great anyway, but I remember my first spoonful of Tom Yum Fried Rice. I was pleasantly surprised, I was all huddled up and miserable with my cooking, until I found something that tasted pretty good. I had to find out who made the rice!!!! So I went around asking, and someone said it was Suds. I went up to him and said your fried rice is very very nice. And he said thank you and asked if I still wanted to join them all to watch some cartoon movie, and I said no. That was it.

My mind actually went into a flurry and the gears started turning in the head... I could potentially find an end to my days of hunger and embarrassment of cooking. I felt quite ashamed that I thought badly of him initially. Why, not often can you find a man who knows something about cooking.

I remembered going around and asking people if it was a  lie, and telling them how amazed I was that he can cook. 

#2: Cooking

In Perth I often update myself with what everyone is doing with Facebook. I dwell on my posts a lot. I was also addicted to some Facebook games back then, namely Pet Society and Sorority Life and Restaurant City. I was stuck at home between earning coins and connecting to the world over Facebook.

I feel that without a social network channel, I would not have felt connected to him.

Facebook profile picture circa September 2010: Check out Suds' slimy comment

Twitter exchange circa October 2010: Suds teases a lot

#3: Online social network presence

We went out a lot with his housemates. It gets quite conducive going out with other people who leaves you two alone finding each other the only ones to talk to. 

October 2010: I wonder if our looks changed. Or are we still gross together. :(

Suds put the flower from the kailan on my ear and snapped a picture.

We cooked 2 pans of noodles- we were rostered to make food.
Suds tagged us as each on Facebook, I found that adorable, I was soooo secretly delighted LOL :3

I think I was happy someone can take ridiculous photos with meeee!
Every guy I knew seemed to look like they want death while being pictured with me.

We were really just friends then.

Wah we so cool.

Lots of hanging out with his housemates.
They all ganged up in the same hoodie! Bodyguards!

I also liked that he enjoys Gossip Girl, XOXOXOXOXO.

#4: Doing girly+silly things with me

Suds has a very open personality and the way he talks and does things makes things easy for me to interpret. I never had an open book or closed book exam, but its GREAT news when the teacher announces an open book exam doesn't it? Similarly, it feels very liberating when someone can speak their mind around you or act out the way they feel.

I guess a lot of couples appreciate when characteristics they love about themselves are also apparent in their partner. It should be very important firstly to embrace everything about yourself first!

#5: Being able to behave naturally

There are other things that worked in favour and empowers the relationship, but again, long post. EEPS so sorry! I shall continue some day.
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Wednesday 4 June 2014

The First

So! I just started this blog, because I wanted to start keeping the memories of being married. I probably should have done that on my wedding day almost 6 months ago. Blame it on procrastination.

In commemoration of the first post, I shall talk about the "firsts" I can remember about my ex-boyfriend now husband Suds.

Our exchange of our first words was probably at a church cell group meeting at Yuwin's old house. I never thought he was handsome, or like super buff, or had huge nostrils, like what other people tell me of their first impressions of Suds. I think my impression of him was this arrogant guy who likes to slouch against the walls and make mean jokes with his friend Jason.

There was a round of introduction during an ice-breaker game, and he introduced himself as a veterinary student, and his friend Jason, a law student, who "will make a lot of money". Both of them were trying to compliment each other on their enrolled course of studies, and hint at their potential of making money even though they are just super poor undergrads. The freshie girls who were there, including me, just looked at each others' faces in the room, probably thinking they are quite (sorry to say) the douchebags.

Later I remembered after the preaching ended and fellowship began, both of us found ourselves with no one to talk to, so he said that his mother did journalism too, and in his thick Aussie accent, spoke of how good she was and all the news clippings there were. I only nodded and tried to reply in answers I hoped sounded intelligent--but my mind went in a whirl of thought: OH please, I am just hoping to graduate, I don't want to be a big shot journalist in the medical field, why is he telling me all these and what did he just say?! I could not understand his English... I hoped someone would interrupt me quickly. I think I said I was going to get more food or something. I ran away from talking to him.

Then the next was when I wanted to help out in a music video. I did not know how good that videographer guy Raphael was, but he sounded like he knew something, so I said yes! I had limited clothing in Perth when I moved from Singapore there with only 30kg of stuff, mostly occupied by a hot water kettle, my laptop, and a ricecooker (typical Asian student off the plane), so I had my jeans and a shirt layered over with a cropped top I got from the op shop, and no belt. My grandmother panties were showing and I kept pushing it down. Well ok I am sooooo sorry I left the house in a rush and forgot to use my brains. Suds had a face of conceit again, and a distasteful attitude towards me, he was so much more friendlier to pretty Cassie, and you can so tell from the video to this day! He told me he found my dressing gross and he could see my underwear too. So that is why he was so unfriendly to me!!!

Still from the Youtube video

The way how things went from there must have been incredulous, or a miracle.

It was so NOT love at first sight. Or even on the second. Or the third. It went downhill from the first meeting actually.

But on hindsight, I think it was good because we knew each other better as friends first, and that he was not hitting on me because of my looks.

That is a pretty long post. I shall write more the next post x

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