Friday 6 June 2014

Growing up

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Today I was just thinking that my brain will run out of ideas of posts on this blog!! Yikes. I might have to write stuff like first kiss or first hand-holding, which can be quite hair-raising. Sigh, selling out my soul so quickly!

Here are some topics I was thinking of writing, but other suggestions are welcomed please!
1. Pet peeves
2. Migration
3. Why the blog is named so
4. Our fights
5. Proposal
6. Wedding planning
7. Life as a housewife

For this post today, I will just share how we were like growing up.
Have you ever wondered if you have met your significant other in your life before you were formally introduced to one another? I wondered that a lot all the time! Like the singer Teresa Teng's "Tian Mi Mi" song where the lyrics go:. At where, at where have I seen you before? Your smile is so familiar....  I imagined seeing him somewhere before, or even in our past lives if there was such a thing.

It would have been so cool if I knew that I met him somewhere in Singapore when his parents might have been visiting. Maybe he was the boy who peed into the many drains in Singapore, or the one screaming in the Popular bookstore, or the one who was next in line on the flying fox playground at East Coast Park... Or maybe not.


Always flaunting his musculinity, yawn.

Cool fact time! Did you know I am 6 days older than his elder brother? Sabyan and I are so different, but maybe we had that same elder sibling instinct. The way Suds and I communicate- you can so tell who is the elder and younger sibling of the family. Maybe horoscopes and zodiacs are true, and Suds got really used to his brother's Aquarius Rabbit characteristics growing up. My sister and I have a love-hate, but mostly hate relationship, so I do not like her, bleah.

Suds became SOOOOOOOooOOooooOOO fat some years into high school. *snorts in laughter*

He looks quite pudgy and cute, in some way though. Only when he smiles. Otherwise he looks bloated. I used to have a crush on a fat guy in my primary school days! That was when I was 11. Honestly! I think size did not matter to me at all. It was always the smile, twinkly eyes and unbridled laughter that appeals to me.

His parents gave him an ultimatum to cut down on his weight. If he loses a certain amount of weight, he gets to own a dog! HA! That really worked wonders. Thank God for his wise parents.

He was also fervent in the kitchen as a child, and loved to help his mum make meals. Auntie Emma would tell of how she asked for the recipe because the pancakes were so good, and Suds overheard it while standing on the stool near the stove and urged his mother "DON'T TELL! DON'T TELL!" So cute right....mummy's boy.

He was also quite mean to some of his aunties, one took his seat by mistake and he actually asked her to get up and find somewhere else to sit. It was a bad move. In the Singaporean culture, the more you insist on something, the more you would not get it! The senior would usually NOT let way because they believe they need to be respected and the young ones need to learn some manners.

Now, it's time for my story!

I was very diligent in my studies in the younger years. At 6 years old I was the class monitress. That is like the girl captain of the class, not like some monitor lizard.

I was quite proud of that achievement and title, but I do not know what I do in class anyway. Just like to feel like the Boss and Teacher's Pet I guess.

I was part of the dance team in our graduation concert
We danced to a song from the Grasshopper Band.
Always one step behind everyone in dance, since young -_-

My mother was from Malaysia, we we went back to her kampong a lot.
Having pet chickens and ducks was so interesting!

I think my mother used to like making me pose next to monkeys.
She gets so happy whenever one moved towards me while the picture is snapped and I shrieked in terror.

This was probably at 15, and was my Friendster's profile picture for some time.
I think I really enjoyed the attention from being a joke.
(Note the difference of being a joke and a joker).

I was also reed-thin from a young age. I never really was at an acceptable weight before, even had to be sent to the hospital for checks, go to polyclinics with weird menstrual flow. I used to "play guitar" with my rib cage, get teased for being flat-chested... It is terrible! My parents were skinny when they were young too! They were quite poor in fact.

As a result from being skinny and with the short hair I fashion, I had a nickname from my uncle as Olive Oyl. I really resented that nickname because I did not really like my uncle. But today I embrace it! Only because Suds used to love Popeyes a lot when he was younger! I did not believe him until I went back to Melbourne with him to clear out his childhood stuff and saw the VCD thing he had of his favourite Popeye's episode. It is funny how Suds has the same kind of portruding jaw as Popeye, and the same built and biceps, while I am skinny and slouch a bit, and have jointy loose limbs like Olive Oyl. ~*Match made in cartoon heaven*~

We would probably have been great running partners then, we found ourselves running a lot around 12 years of age. ;)

Ok please comment when you read the posts, some feedback on what you want to read or what I can improve on will be good for this blog! Toodles!

Popeye: [to Olive Oyl] You know you're awful pretty! 
Olive Oyl: [to Popeye] You're pretty awful yourself!
Popeye: Oh, thank you!

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